Thursday, May 10, 2007

More upstairs walls...

Lots of sawing and hammering upstairs, mostly for the opening of the new stairs through ou

r existing laundry room. You can see the framed area in the back, near the peak of the existing roofline. I'm liking all the different dimensions and planes, and glad we didn't have a flat-faced design.

PS What do you all think of that lower window now? Would something more square be appropriate?

1 comment:

Rae said...

It definitely needs to be smaller. I don't know about "squarer" but if you put shutters on there, that's ALL that will be there. It's gonna look funny. I think I said I thought it would be funny looking from the inside too, if you put all the cabinets in and then don't have any wall space between them and the window. Can you fill in the sides of the current opening with paper or cardboard or something to make it the 60" dimension and see what that looks like? That's what I usually do when I'm hanging pictures--make paper stand ins and move them all over the walls until I like the scale and fit and everything. Maybe it would help you (and us!) visualize the difference. Just my thoughts--you know you're always free to take them or leave them! Have a great PARTY weekend, my friend! :)